Learning to read fluently is a daunting task for some children, especially those with dyslexia. Dyslexic children often use compensatory strategies to hide their struggles from others. This makes reading in front of people very scary for these kids. This is where our therapy dog, Miller, comes in. He can help soothe their fears and boost their confidence, helping our students practice essential reading skills.
“An animal is not going to judge you. They don’t even care if you say the right words. You’re just in a comfortable setting to practice reading aloud.”
Reading to dogs is enjoyable for both dogs and kids and it’s an easy way to encourage kids to read. Even kids who normally would not read out loud may reconsider when asked to read a story to a furry friend. We are proud to have our very own reading buddy.....Miller Northcutt. Miller is a 3 year old hypoallergenic Shih Tzu/Lhasa Apso mix. Some of Miller's favorite books are Fly Guy, Henry and Mudge, Puppy Place, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Freak the Mighty, and Wonder.